Thursday, December 3, 2009

Alfonso Rodriguez - 1970-2009

On November 7, 2009 at 2:10 AM our telephone rang. I've always had a fear of getting phone calls at this time of the morning. On this day, my most dreaded fear was made a reality.

We received a phone call from an officer at the SF Police Department asking for the relatives of my husband's brother, so that we might identify him, as he had been murdered several hours earlier.

Monday, December 7th will mark one month since we received that most devastating news. Needless to say, it's been a month of mourning and deep reflection as family members gathered together to celebrate the life of Alfonso, who I affectionately refer to as "Fonso," and to mourn his death.

Even as I write this post, can I come to understand the devastation of loosing someone you love. And with that being said, I reflect even more on how important it is to live!

Love more, laugh more and don't sweat the small stuff because you never know when today will be the last day to say "I love you!"

I thought I'd share this with anyone who may view my blog. It's been said that "a picture tells a 1,000 words." Well, in this case, "a picture gives a 1,000 memories to those who have lost their loved ones in death."

It adds a layer to the profession that I've chosen that moves my soul....

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