Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Published in Tiburon's Ark Newspaper

Nicole and Casey
Tiburon Ark Newspaper
March 22, 2010

I don't think I've met a photographer yet that doesn't get a little bit giddy when it comes to having their photos published in some form or fashion. Needless to say, I am definitely amongst the crowd when it comes to my photos being published.

There's something about seeing your photo in a magazine, on a blog or in a newspaper that is both exhilarating and humbling for me. It makes me reflect on how much I love what I do, how hard I work to always improve my craft and although you often hear me quote that "we photographers aren't curing cancer" its still pretty cool to know that you are giving the gift of a memory. It's my gracious, positive, contribution to a world that is often filled with chaos and disappointments.


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