Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Mirror Has 5 Faces . . .

PHOTO 51B Class
Five Self Portraits
April 28, 2008

OK - so we received an assignment from our instructor to take five self portraits and I thought to myself "I became a photographer because I love being BEHIND the camera - so what in the world am I going to do to make this assignment interesting."

Well, I have to say that a good teacher truly does inspire and that she did! I decided to play with the concept and poke fun at myself by portraying five very different yet undeniable character traits of mine.

I hope you enjoy a glimpse inside my insanity.

"The Photographer"

Photobucket Image Hosting

"The Joker"

Photobucket Image Hosting

"The Always and Forever - Party Girl"

Photobucket Image Hosting

"And Yes, Sometimes, The Brat!"

Photobucket Image Hosting

"The Diva"

Photobucket Image Hosting

1 comment:

Olivia Twist said...

I LOVE your PICS! Artistically, my favorite is Melinda - the Photographer (the shadows ROCK). Personally, my favorite is - the PARTY GIRL just cause you're cheesing BIG TIME and that's SO YOU. These are great Mae - Keep up the good work. Oh, and I think you should market your "inanimate object" pics to magazines and/or the venues where you've taken pics. You have a real eye for making that stuff pop and that's not easy to do...just my 2 cents. Love ya (wink) =) Tawn